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Two Bus Stops

One Bus Stop was well built but badly maintained, the other one well built and well maintained.

Lately when I was doing a research about a particular company I found that they were into building and maintaining bus stops. It was a strange coincidence that these two bus stops also seemed to be built by this company.

I remembered the two bus stops. Here are my thoughts as i reflected on them.

The well maintained one was still serviced by them the other one wasn’t for whatever reason. I guess the contract to service wasn’t granted for the second bus stop. This other bus stop is in an institution which is fairly well maintained but this bus stop because of its sorry state draws attention because of the contrast it provides.

It set me thinking about the value of good businesses and the value they bring to human flourishing. When I was growing up the bus stops were some of the worst maintained public spaces. It would be built and would hardly be maintained. I had seen a distinct difference in the place I now live and it forced me to think of the people who are doing this. I have been grateful for them.

When was the last time you were thankful for a business that sells products or provides service?

When was the last time you let them know that you were thankful for their product or service?

I have generally sensed an unhealthy attitude that they are there to get you or what is yours – money, time or resource. I have been in business myself for a few years now and know the difficulties and the rewards of a building and growing a business. Yes, in the process of providing a product or service they charge you but aren’t you glad that they exist.

Imagine a life where there are no business to help. From you chaiwala, plumbers,  insurance, communications, grocery shops, amazon or apps or every other products or service you use every hour or every day or week. Are we thankful?

Most businesses started by offering a solution to some human problem. With an intent to turn a problem into flourishing for humanity and in that process making a profit which they rightly deserve. For example, for a very long time I desired to display certain guiding verses and quotes that have impacted, enriched and guided my life, well designed, framed and shipped. I was willing to pay for it. However, I couldn’t find a business that would design these customized verses or quotes or poems, print them, and frame them to my liking. So i did this with the help of one of my friends. As we were finishing this project. I pondered what if there are many like me who would like to have some guiding verse or quote designed and displayed well in their home and offices. So we started a company createWELL (Under construction to cater to this need and beyond. We would be glad to serve YOU too..

Yes, there are those who are corrupt and cheat their clients. Let them know too that they wouldn’t prosper and help them. If they listen, you have done a good turn to humanity. If they don’t change, we all know what to do.

We are much better off as humanity because of good business and good business persons. It has led to much flourishing. Hope you will learn to appreciate and be thankful for these business in your circles of influence. If you can, as this year draws to a close take time to let them know how their labors are making a difference to your lives. It would most certainly be an encouragement.

Also, if you have ever wanted to offer a solution for human flourishing through a business, i would sincerely urge you to take this risk soon. If I could be of any help kindly let me know. Will try my best.

Hope it enriched you. Thank you for reading.




Published inBusiness