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It was a strange sight, never seen one like that before. Using a sealing electrical tape the MC (an electric circuit breaker in case of overload or short-circuit so that it doesn’t damage the other appliances) was pasted in such a way that it would never trip again. The sight was so unique that it set me thinking. I was wondering that this arrangement would defeat the very purpose of having that MC. Also, my thoughts went on to ponder what kind of electrician would have done this. My guess is one who doesn’t want to fix the major problem in the circuit, so that it could prevent it from serious harm to appliances and the people anytime. Also, probably one who doesn’t want to be bothered by the small problems that are happening within the circuit that leads to the tripping of the MC.

I have been wondering about this sight and a parallel in human beings. We have our own ‘fuses’ in our lives and we are part of circuit of relationships in the world around us.

 Some of us have also, so to say ‘fixed’ our MC so that we don’t have to be bothered. The MC is an indicator of something that is not right within the circuit. So is the case with us. We have been given a few MC’s as well. Firstly, the conscience at the first level immediately trips and alerts us when we go wrong for the first time and subsequently. But its sensitiveness reduces with consistent violation. Many a time we too like the electrician ‘paste’ or ‘fix’ our conscience so that it never beeps. What a sad predicament to be in. May be, there is much bigger danger that lies ahead and at some point in time, the circuit may brake after having done serious damage to our relationships and the persons. We must be careful to heed to our conscience.  Violation of our conscience could easily shipwreck our being, our very life.

At a second level, we are blessed with the gift of pain. It is rare to see the phrase ‘gift of pain’. Have you ever wondered what would happen if there was no sensitivity of pain in us. There is a condition called congenital insensitivity to pain where the person doesn’t feel any pain and they can hurt themselves with grave consequences.  One another condition is leprosy, where the sensitivity to pain is lost and they end up hurting themselves without even knowing it. Therefore, if physical pain is so important in keeping us safe from hurting ourselves fatally, how much more should the pain of the soul be vital? If we don’t respond to the pain in our beings, chances are we may hurt our being with serious consequences. The story of Dorian gray by Shakespeare is an example of what would happen when we don’t respond to the pain and sensitivities in our lives. We must be careful.

One aspect of the soul’s pain is guilt. The diagnosis of such a condition is the wrong we have done. This corruption in human being is also called sin. No amount of self-effort or escape could help in getting rid of this guilt. We try, and do so very sincerely. The pain of guilt is a gift, what we do with it is purely a person’s choice. We can choose to ignore it, smother it but it will not go away. You and I know it quite well. If there is sin, I must first recognize that I have done wrong. Once we do that there is hope and rescue available if we go to the right Source of Salvation. In it we will save ourselves and the ones we love and their being. We would be better soul electricians- soulitrician.


‘Sometime, someday

I will make the change’

Is the lie I say to myself

And/to Avoid the change.

“Do I really want to change?”


Change before you have to

Change when you can

Forced change is always a pain

And the lesson learnt with a heartache.


            I have also been thinking what we could possibly do to keep from becoming a soulitrician like the electrician discussed above. First, to pursue the truth in thought and in doing that which is right, irrespective of what the consequences. We may have to fix a lot of connection in our relationships. A second thing we also could possibly do is to have ‘true friends’ and not only ‘yes friends’. 

Published inLife